Thursday 27 February 2014

Harry Potter Studio Tour AKA Hogwarts

February 19, 2014 The day my inner nerd came out to play!
So one day about a month ago I was sitting at work waiting to start my shift and my manager was talking about the Harry Potter Studio Tour and how amazing it did I not know this existed? That night I went home and told Jeff how badly I wanted to go, we tried booking tickets and couldn't get in for almost a month. WELL WORTH THE WAIT! I'm only speaking for myself here but it was unbelievable! Getting to see all the sets and costumes and the videos on how they filmed scenes was so cool. I think Jeff may have enjoyed it more then he thought he would but for me it was such a cool day! We did head into London pretty early in the day so we got to go to King's Cross Station and see where they get onto platform 9 3/4. Jeff has also been on a sherlock kick lately so we did head to Baker Street as well (we were very touristy that day!) We also wandered through portobello market for a bit and saw some really cool antiques. Eventually we made it Watford after many trains, buses and tubes! It was also Animal week so we got to see some of the animals from the films too although we didn't get to see the snakes and spiders since the line up was so long, I was obviously very disappointed...

On our way to London for the day!

St. Pancras Station  
St. Pancras Station

Harry Potter bus!!

We have arrived :)

The flying Ford Anglia 
The cupboard under the stairs

The Great Hall and Hufflepuffs school uniforms

Ravenclaws Uniforms

Dumbledore at his podium
The Great Hall

Gryffindor's Uniforms

Teacher's Table with some of the costumes


The Leaky Cauldron  
The Mirror of Erised

"Lemon Sherbert" 
Wands! all the famous wands from the movies

Mad-Eye's Trunk

moving staircases

Another of Mad-Eye's Trunk with the inside

The Chamber of Secrets

Jeff wants to go in...I don't think he speaks Parseltongue though

All of Umbridge's Decrees

The Yule Ball costumes

Nice Spread

The Potion's classroom

Hagrid's hut

The boy's dormitory 

Jeff had to tell me to be nice to the kid who didn't know who Dean Thomas was...I'm sorry but obviously not a true fan...

Gryffindor common room

Mrs. Norris


The Burrow Kitchen

Death Eaters

Magic is Might Statue

Ministry of Magic 

Umbridge's office...too pink even for me!

Hedwig! he isn't a very happy owl...

Fang! and a puppy fang in the back...he was pretty tired 

Hogwarts bridge, it was closed for half term so we didn't get to actually go on it

The night bus

driving the ford Angila 

I knocked on Harry Potter's Door!!

Godric's Hollow 

Kind of mix between Ginger Ale and cream soda with butterscotch on top...pretty good but we did spilt one 


The mask that Robbie Coltran's body double had to wear so he would be the right height and look like Hagrid


Goblin masks 

Grawp, Hagrid's brother


Dobby painting

My favorite Picture

Chess Pieces from the first film

Diagon Alley

Weasley wizard wheezes

Olivander's Wand shop

This was probably my favorite part of the tour. This was a scale model of the castle that they used for filming. It was huge and so cool to see! very detailed

On the bus back home! It was such a great day!

So cool to go and see all the sets and props for movies I have seen many many times. If anyone gets the opportunity to go take it!! if anyone wants to come visit I will definitely go back again!

Lots of love!

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