Sunday 22 September 2013

Trip to Oxford

We went to the beautiful city of Oxford today! We went to some amazing buildings and saw some green green grass!

First we went for a walk by Oxford Castle, which was pretty cool. The tour was guided, and an hour long, so we passed on that. Got some photos though.

Then we stopped for a bite to eat at The Eagle and Child pub, which is a bit of a landmark. Authors J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis were frequent patrons there in the early 20th century. Kate got Sausage and Mash and I got Glazed Chicken; we were both impressed with our meals. 

Our third stop was Christ Church College. Kate was pretty excited because it was a major inspiration (and filming location) for Hogwarts school in Harry Potter. I think that's kind of lame, but the building was amazing, so I went along with it.

Next we went to the Covered Market, which was nice, but not many booths were open on a Sunday afternoon. However, Ben's Cookies was open, so nothing else mattered! Best cookie I've had in a while!

Our last stop was Blackwell's Book Store, which was pretty much my idea of heaven. Apparently it is in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest bookstore in the world. It took us a good 30-40 minutes to browse the place!

Oxford was a really beautiful town, and we will definitely return in the future!

I got stuck in the gate!

Hartford bridge

Old timey bus!

The great Hall!

They designed the great hall in the Harry Potter movies around this room!

I finally got into Hogwarts!! 

Loved the faces on the buildings!

The grass is SO Green!!!

Just like Hogwarts!

Christ Church meadows

Such a beautiful fountain

A Really Cool Ceiling

Part of Christ Church

Oxford Museum

A stock - Tried to get Jeff in this...he wouldn't go for it

Oxford Castle
Oxford Castle