Friday 23 August 2013

Our first few days!

Well it's been a busy first few days! We started off with a very long flight but it was a lot nicer then we thought because we got bumped up to first class! bigger seats and some really good food! I think we spent most of our flight time eating and drinking! Once we got to the airport we got picked up and taken to our hotel in Calcot about a 15 minute bus ride from reading where we will eventually end up. We have spent the last couple of days exploring downtown Reading and looking for a place to live. We've seen some really nice things and a few not so nice things. One of the places we looked at was a little creepy and we definitely will not be living there! no Zinzan Street for this girl!! We have put an offer in on a really nice apartment a few minutes away from downtown and we are just waiting to hear back, apparently you can negotiate rent prices here so thats what we are doing now. Hopefully we will be living in our own place soon enough and once we do I'll post some pictures!
Lots of walking and lots of shopping to do so I'll keep you posted!

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