Tuesday 14 January 2014

A Long Overdue update

So I realized while talking to one of my new friends that I haven't made any updates to this since October! Its been a busy few months, Jeff has been working like crazy up at 5 and working late at night to better the minds of british children haha and I've been working to make the Brits more beautiful and smell better, which is more important? The most important thing though? We survived our first christmas away from home!

My mom came to visit at the end of November and it was so amazing to have her here Ive been very homesick lately and getting a hug from my mom was the most amazing thing ever! she flew into Gatwick so I took my first train trip alone! that was kind of a big deal for me anyone who knows me knows I have a really problem with directions so thankfully trains do all the work for you (and apparently England trains don't hate me as much as Canadian ones do!) anyway I got her from the airport and we made it back to our flat with 2 suitcases and no one got lost!! my mom brought us tons of goodies from home, miracle whip for Jeff and kraft dinner and crystal light for me (its the little things haha) We took a trip to London to show my mom around and our amazing tour guide, Jeff, took us all over the place. The London Eye, Big Ben, Westminster, St. Paul's, the Tower of London, the Palace and we even made it to the winter wonderland which is a big christmas fair (that was so busy and crowded we only went through half) It was a really busy day with walking and my moms first Tube experience and somehow at the end of the day she had the most energy left! We spent the rest of the time just hanging out and shopping around town, my mom even took the bus alone while I was at work! (she is clearly where I get my amazing directional skills from). Unfortunately the week went by far to quick and she had to go home, hard to say goodbye but I'm so happy so was able to come and see my world over here.

Christmas came next I suppose and we got ourselves a little tree and a few ornaments from some great people from home (Elise, Shirley and Kim Thank you!!) and we started our first christmas away from home. My mom brought some gifts from home and Jeff and I had a few of our own to add. We spent about 90% of the day skyping with friends and family from home which was great. It was a very cyber Christmas in the Coady household with both me and Jason skyping in on Christmas morning but it was fun to be able to see everyone open their gifts and have a few laughs (thanks to Buddy for eating the tissue paper and one of the gifts from Jason and Margaret). Even though it was only for a short time I got to see Rylie, Christine and Ryan on their first Christmas as a family so amazing! I made a turkey which was quiet good and we found some pumpkin and I finally got around to making that pumpkin pie for Jeff (only a few months too late). I also celebrated my 25th birthday which was a pretty low key event did some shopping and we cooked a prime rib and ate cake, what more can a girl ask for? And New Years was a pretty quiet night with some Harry Potter movies and some good food. Jeff was off for 2 weeks at christmas which was a well deserved break!

Getting back into the swing of the things now, our new normal. Im working at Lush and still getting a good number of hours. Christmas time there is like something I've never experienced before! its so busy but still great fun, I work with some pretty amazing people who only make fun of my weird phrases and accent a little bit (still not giving up on the pants vs trousers thing). I think everyone at home got some kind of Lush product from my mom since I'm kind of in love with the products (in case anyone back home is wondering the closest one is in London at Whiteoaks if you need any suggestions let me know!)

We are going to try and plan a trip away in April the next time Jeff has 2 weeks off but right now I'm super excited because we are planning on going to the Harry Potter Studio Tour in February! Its in Watford which is where the filmed the movies!! I have been told it will be the happiest day of my life haha and I have no doubt it will rank pretty high, I'll keep you all posted on that one!

I think for now thats it, I really will try to keep this updated more often but with working, cooking, cleaning and being called American almost every day I don't know how exciting it could be?

Missing everyone back home more then you all can know!!
Lots of Love!